Thursday 23 October 2014

FilmConvert Pro 2.17 for AE & Premiere (x64) Free Download

FilmConvert Pro 2.17 download

FilmConvert Pro 2.17 for AE & Premiere (x64) Latest Download Free Full Version

FilmConvert Pro - Ever since the introduction of digital cameras, digital evangelist film superceeded end and how it will be replaced have been saying. Decades later, it is finally happening. However, for many people, the digital footage still leaves a lot to be desired and straight out of the camera does not look as good.

Real film grain 
Add real grain to your footage, and render at 4K. Unlike other plugins that only film grain overlay, FilmConvert realistic models in every color and grain of the mountain you need for the level of exposure. 

Accurate color modeling 

Camera Control 
* Source Camera camera (or camera type) you use to shoot the footage. This setting is required to apply the color correction. 
* Exhibition film being applied before germination performing an adjustment. 
* Temporary adjust color temperature. This clip provisional 5600 (day light) that assumes. Move the slider to the left makes it look cool. Moving to the right, it is hot. 

NB RED footage. You Metadata Preset in Adobe "Source Settings" interface should apply. It's just like the preset color adjustment FilmConvert a known starting point, their default settings for all the meta data. 

Movie Controls 
* Drop change to be emulated select particular film stock. 
* Size drop to counter the negative size. 8MM such as large grains with small values ​​are fuzzier. Large values ​​of small grains. 
* Film color balance slider actual digital camera color palette, color palette and adjust the film. In general, the film will leave you 100% 
* Grain slider adjusts the amount of grain applied to the image. Default for the film stock, which represents 100% of the grain is. Some stocks are more grains - such as the D3200. 

Supported cameras (FilmConvert works on any digital camera footage.) 

For more accurate results, we have different cam profiles are issued with a free data pack. Currently the pack: 

- Arri Alexa in 
- Canon 5D Mk II + Image Styles 
- Canon C100, C300, C500, 1DC + image styles 
- Panasonic GH2 + image styles 
- The red one 
- Red One MX 
- RED Epic / Scarlet 
* Unless your camera is added, which is true for most cameras default profile, try to use. 

System Requirements 
FilmConvert for After Effects or Premiere CS5.5 and serves up.

FilmConvert Pro 2.17 for AE & Premiere (x64) Free Download Below


  1. Hello. you can get back to a working link FilmConvert 2:17? Thank You!
